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Re: Official "Jesus Day" in US State of Texas!

I would request that anyone who objects to my having posted this material
not bother to object either to me or to the list. There will be no more
such messages from me, on either this topic or any other. This is my very
last post to the jewish-music list: it has been made quite clear to me
that I'm not wanted here -- just as the state of Texas has made it clear
that NONE of us are wanted there. (The state of Texas didn't do it as
publicly, however.)

Oddly enough, the American Musicological Society and the Music Library
Association appreciated being warned about this -- which is causing me to
change my plans about which lists I drop. 

Hope Ehn                     <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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