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Official "Jesus Day" in US State of Texas!

It appears from this *official* proclamation that it is impossible to be a
Texan without being a Christian, at least in the opinion of the governor.
What will happen if he should become President -- the establishment of
Christianity as the official U.S. religion, in violation of the
Constitution? I'm sorry that this post is somewhat "off-topic," but I fear
that if this practice isn't stopped now, we are *all* threatened. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 09:29:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Varda Ullman Novick 

Official Memorandum State of Texas Office of the Governor

Jesus Day

Throughout the world, people of all religions recognize Jesus Christ as an
example of love, compassion, sacrifice and service. [SINCE WHEN??]
Reaching out to the poor, the suffering and the marginalized, he provided
moral leadership that continues to inspire countless men, women and
children today. 

To honor his life and teachings, Christians of all races and denominations
have joined together to designate June 10 as Jesus Day. [WHAT ABOUT TEXANS
WHO DON'T HAPPEN TO BE CHRISTIANS?] As part of this celebration of unity,
they are taking part in the 10th annual March for Jesus in cities
throughout the Lone Star State. The march, which began in Austin in 1991,
is now held in nearly 180 countries. Jesus Day challenges people to follow
Christ's example by performing good works in their communities and
neighborhoods. By nursing the sick, feeding the poor or volunteering in
homeless shelters, everyone can play a role in making the world a better

I urge all Texans to answer the call to serve those in need. By
volunteering their time, energy or resources to helping others, adults and
youngsters follow Christ's message of love and service in thought and

Therefore, I, George W. Bush, Governor of Texas, do hereby proclaim June
10, 2000,

Jesus Day

in Texas and urge the appropriate recognition whereof, In official
recognition whereof, I hereby affix my signature this 17th day of April,

[signature George W. Bush]

Governor of Texas

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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