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Re: Doorbell dilemma

-- Budowitz Home Page:

Thanks for the answer Steve, only now I'm more confused than ever. Do the
Westminster Abbey and Big Ben use similar chimes melodies? Could you notate
the whole sequence of each (should only take you a minute) if they are
different. Who made the original sequence and what does it express? Sorry
for the case anyone needs to know what this has to do with
Jewish music, I'm trying to draw the connection between this melody and an
ancient klezmer melody I found with the same permutative scheme...Josh

> Josh Asks:
> In a message dated 6/30/00 12:39:50 PM, horowitz (at) styria(dot)com writes:
>>Quick question:
>>Does anyone know where the ubiquitous doorbell melody comes from? The melody
>>goes like this, in C major:
>>1) c e d g   g d e c   e c d g   g d e c
> Well, the last eight are definitely Big Ben (actually Westminster). I just
> produced an organ recording that included a set of variations by Vierne on
> those last eight notes entitled "Chimes of Westminster" as I recall. The
> first eight don't ring a bell (sorry...). The other eight notes of Big Ben
> are (and again, this is from hazy memory):
> e d c g  g d e c
> Best wishes,
> Steve
> Steve Barnett
> Composer/Arranger/Producer
> Barnett Music Productions
> BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com

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