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Re: women-only concerts

Of course I respect whatever lines Judith chooses to draw--and I very much 
regret the kehillah's decision and consider it exceedingly dubious and 
problematic in terms of Jewish law.  Just to note, though: Neshama Carlebach 
(Shlomo's daughter) obviously doesn't accept kol isha as binding, as she 
does concerts for mixed audiences though she is herself (in her own words) 
"100% Orthodox"--but she also does concerts for women-only audiences.  And I 
doubt, though I'm not sure and would have to ask, that she does so only 
under Judith's conditions.  I.e., I suspect--though, again, I'm not 
sure--that she does so for all-women audiences in 
communities/synagogues/etc. that would not allow, or not feel comfortable 
w/, a mixed-audience concert. Just a thought, or datum -- Robert Cohen  (w/ 
apologies for this string of small posts!)

>From: "Judith R. Cohen" <judithc (at) yorku(dot)ca>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: women-only concerts
>Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 07:23:30 -0500

I have refused women-only concerts offered to me by women who
>tacitly or out loud support Kol Ishah in the Sephardic Kehillah because
>agreeing to do one would imply an agreement with it on my part. I would
>rather lose money and let people know that this is a stand I am taking.
>On the other hand, I've done women-only concerts for groups which just
>happen to like the idea of a women's evening, and they've led to some
>interesting discussions. But, again, I will NOT accept doing one BECAUSE
>Kol Ishah is enforced.


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