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Muzsikas' Maramos (was Tango a zsidoknak)

At 05:47 PM 3/9/2000 EST, Jerusha wrote:
>Hello!  I'm new to the list, and this is my first posting.  A disc that i 
>bought quite a while ago, but still enjoy, is by Muzsikas.  It's called 
>Maramaros: The Lost Jewish Music of Transylvania.


I just got this album myself a few weeks ago. While I enjoyed it, I frankly
didn't find it particularly Jewish sounding. The styles of both the melodic
instruments and the accompaniment sound to me to come more from the gypsy
styles of the two musicians who guided them than from the Jewish styles
that I am used to hearing from pre-WWII era eastern european recordings.
One exception - they learned Haneros Halelu from the Folklyric album of
early Jewish recordings. I think it approached a Jewish sound a little more.

What other recordings of Jewish music have you listened to?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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