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Re: art and pop/folk singing

If this was in response to what I wrote, I agree that this use of
"trained" is a convention, and that not everyone who uses this convention
is a classical supremacist or something.  It was this convention that I
was taking issue with, as people take issue with things like the use of
"man" to mean all people.  The issue there is usually not so much a fear
that people who use the term in that way are necessarily sexist, but a
fear that the linguistic convention will perpetuate a popular view of male
as the default gender.

Hope this clarifies my views, and that I haven't started a new linguistic
debate, 'cause I'm done posting till I get some work done around here.
This list does take a lot of time to keep up with!

Becky Kaplan

>People use 'trained' to mean 'trained in the Western classical
>but this is just a convention. 

>Lucy Fisher

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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