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Odp: Cymbaly /was Re:/

Subject: Re: Cymbaly /was Re:/

| > "Cymbaly" are the instrument on which played
Jankiel in
| > Polish romantic poem "Pan Tadeusz" /just adapted to
| > screens by Andrzej Wajda/. Every children in Poland
| > knows what is "Koncert Jankiela" /Yankele's
| As you say, Jerzy, every child learns this poem. Do
you think this
| is the main reason that Poles think of the cymbaly as
a Jewish
| instrument?

I really don't think that in common Polish knowledge
cymbaly are Jewish instrument. Most of the people links
cymbaly rather with Gypsy or Hungarian music.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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