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Re: Bertha Kalich & Recordings of the Yiddish Theater

Hi, Bob and all.

Answers below.



At 12:04 PM 1/5/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm not surprised to see that you know how to do this kind of
>research.  How did you do it?  Is this information (including the
>biographical information) online, for example, through the
> site?

I did an online search through the research library group's Eureka service, 
which includes the Rigler Deutsch 78 discographic information (as well as 
100,000s of other recordings.) You typically get access through this 
service by having a university appointment or some other means of getting 
at the service (or marrying someone who does <G>)

I can't speak to what's on the NYPL site. These papers are probably listed 
there, but of course then you have to start visiting the NYPL site, the LOC 
site, etc. as opposed to the Eureka service, or its principal competition, 
the OCLC database (see above for handy access tips on that one too. The 
OCLC does not have the RD info, though.)

>Looking through these listings it does seem that the Shulamith piece
>is her only Yiddish recording, albeit repeatedly released under
>different names.

The RD lists all individual recordings separately, so if they cataloged six 
copies of the same disk, you'll like see six listings for it.

>Lastly, I don't know its current status, but the NYPL at Lincoln
>Center has been closed for some time for renovation.  Before anyone
>comes to NYC just to go there, they should phone to confirm the
>accessibility of the collection they are looking for.  (Perhaps
>someone else has more up-to-date information.)

True enough. Worth calling first.



Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

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Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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