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Re: Bertha Kalich & Recordings of the Yiddish Theater

Just noticed an important detail of your listing for Kalich:

> Blue (acous.) Vr 4548t
> Shulamith: Sabbath, Holiday and the New Moon (Goldfaden) 

Victor began their Bluebird sub-label in March 1933, which apparently is
the release you have above (judging by the *Blue* at the beginning) The
designation, *acous.* however is very telling, as this seems to indicate
that the recording was mechanical as opposed to electrical. That would
imply pretty much beyond doubt that it is the first release of a
recording made by mechanical means (i.e. before 1925, meaning most
probably the 1923 recording. If it were made after 1925, it would not
have been 
*acous* , as electric microphones were already being used. 

I have a feeling that the *t* found after the catalogue may tell you
something decisive, but 10 to 1 the recording you have is the 1923
recorded version, later released at the earliest in 1933. Ah, detective
work, I love it.  Josh

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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