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Re: street Yikhes

Those words are exactly the ones used by The Klezmorim on their East Side
Wedding album. Dr. Martin Schwartz translates the verse on the back of the
album as follows:

Dain tate iz a shmarovoznik
Your father greases wagon wheels

Dain mame ganvet fish in mark
Your mother steals fish at the fair

Un dain bruder iz a kartyozhnik
And your brother is a card-sharp

Un dain shvester leibt mit a Kozak
And your sister lives with a Cossack

-Andy Rubin
Sacramento, CA

>One Hannukeh I played a gig with a klezmer band in
>an orthodox shul.  After we played an exhausting
>round of Yikhes, over and over, faster and faster,
>a little lady came up and taught me the "street
>words" to Yikhes.  She said they sang it this way
>when they were kids:
>(pardon my idiosyncratic spelling of words I'm not
>sure of.)
>dayn tate iz a schmara voznik
>dayn mame gant vet fisch in mart
>dayn bruder iz a kartosnik
>dayn schvester lebt mit a kozak
>your father is a garbage man
>your mother sells fish
>your brother is a (?)
>your sister lives with a Kossak.  (ouch!)
>Anyone with a better translation or more info?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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