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RE: Foundation Support for Edge Jewish Music (was schmaltz...)

Wolf: I like the ROlling Thunder model you suggest, but remember, it takes a
BOb Dylan to get the thunder rolling. In some sad way, this is what the In
the Fiddler's House tour already was for klezmer, although I understood you
are thinking in more grassroots terms.

A great idea in need of a single visionary with influence in the field and
at the box office.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Kame'a Media
> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 1:02 PM
> To: World music from a Jewish slant
> Subject: Re: Foundation Support for Edge Jewish Music (was schmaltz...)
> Gideon:
> I have a suggestion:
> The music writers, vendors, "promoters", (record companies?) and
> DJs on this
> list who are interested, should, as an organized body, approach
> the appropriate
> grant-giving institutions with the aim of putting together a "Rolling
> Thunder-type tour" of contemporary Jewish music, to play suitable
> larger venues,
> starting perhaps with the JCCs of the nation. Professional
> production values
> would be de rigeur.
> Musicians cannot hope to approach these institutions successfully
> on their own.
> There are just  too many uninformed people in important, decision-making
> positions.
> They need to be educated and, a group of "Jewish cultural
> workers" would have
> the credibility to at least be considered seriously, whereas an
> "unknown" artist
> seldom, if ever, is.
> Wolf Krakowski
> GAronoff (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> > I think Sara is on track about the necessity and difficulty of bringing
> > important "edge" Jewish artists to college campuses.  While
> hipness must be
> > accompanied by real Jewish content, a broad and tolerant
> perspective can help
> > hook Jewish youth into all sorts of Jewish music and
> experiences.  Back to
> > jingles, "this is not your father's Oldsmobile."
> >
> > As with the print magazine idea, the issue comes down to money.  If edge
> > Jewish music artists are too expensive for most college or
> youth presenters
> > then maybe the foundation world can be tapped for this project
> to create a
> > "Jewish Music That Will Blow Your Mind" tour of college
> campuses.  A great
> > deal money is being spent on youth trips to Israel as part of the Jewish
> > continuity effort.  This music idea may be at least as
> successful an approach
> > with Sara's personal testimony as exhibit A.
> >
> > Has anyone on the list had success approaching the foundation world to
> > support Jewish music generally or "edge" Jewish music in particular?
> >
> > Gideon
> >

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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