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Foundation Support for Edge Jewish Music (was schmaltz...)

I think Sara is on track about the necessity and difficulty of bringing 
important "edge" Jewish artists to college campuses.  While hipness must be 
accompanied by real Jewish content, a broad and tolerant perspective can help 
hook Jewish youth into all sorts of Jewish music and experiences.  Back to 
jingles, "this is not your father's Oldsmobile."

As with the print magazine idea, the issue comes down to money.  If edge 
Jewish music artists are too expensive for most college or youth presenters 
then maybe the foundation world can be tapped for this project to create a 
"Jewish Music That Will Blow Your Mind" tour of college campuses.  A great 
deal money is being spent on youth trips to Israel as part of the Jewish 
continuity effort.  This music idea may be at least as successful an approach 
with Sara's personal testimony as exhibit A.  

Has anyone on the list had success approaching the foundation world to 
support Jewish music generally or "edge" Jewish music in particular?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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