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Re: Doinas & taksim

At 05:47 PM 7/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Ari Davidow wrote:
>> At 02:07 PM 7/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>> >I'm a bit skeptical of Wolf's statements about the use of doinas by E.
>> >klezmorim.  It is clear that doinas were part of the European klezmer
>> >repertoire
>> >(there are a number of early recorded examples of klezmer doinas from
>> >and
>> >the US).
>> Damn. I have to stop answering these while I'm at work. Over the
>> weekend I was reading someone's thesis (from Harvard, in a non-musical
>> field, mind you) and he was writing about how recording transformed
>> the doina, and the older taksim, which had been played sort of under
>> the badkhn at a wedding. Recordings, especially limited to 3 or 4
>> minutes, entirely changed the context.
>> Very different, yet again, from the post-revival modern context,
>> if so, and perpendicular to the discussion that raised the issue,
>> but thought I would add it into the pot. Will try to get the thesis
>> info when I get home, if someone reminds me.
>> As to the question of what music has what relevance to what sexuality,
>> I'm not entirely sure this is germane to this list, or is going
>> to be answered satisfactorily without serious study. Let us resume our
>> studies (or lack thereof), and should someone feel obligated to report
>> back on clinical observations, perhaps private e-mail to interested
>> parties would work better :-).
>I appreciated reading all the erudite postings about <doinas>.Thank you
Peter, Paul
>and Sherry.
>I stand corrected regarding my statement that <shtetl klezmorim>
>did not play <doinas>. I did not clearly state which era I was thinking of,
>so my statement was not accurate.
>I am having some trouble with this last paragraph of yours, though, Ari.
>If I reccollect correctly, my thoughts on sexual rhythms in music garnered, I
>2 public responses, one from Joshua Horowitz (who made a good joke) and one
>from Lori, which generated 3 more posts, 2 from me and one from Lori.
>What is the problem?  Why not just let  the thread peter out on it's
>own like so many other threads that weave their way throiugh this list?
>Why would you want to arbitrarily choose to censor this particular
>Is it not germane to this list to discuss how music makes one FEEL,
>or is it mostly for what people believe they KNOW about music.
>Given our history (yours and mine) I  can't help but entertain the the
thought that
>your attempt to censor "my" discussion is motivated by personal animosity.
 Is it?
>Either that -- or you are one repressed prude, dude.
>A list member (in private mail) anticipated this sort of response.
>Who made you the Brain Police; is this a Family Values thing?
>Part of the enjoyment of being on this list is that sometimes, due to a
>or provocative post, people are moved into revealing something real about
>not just their supposed learning.
>Wolf Krakowski
>"It is my right as a human being and a <yid> to post whatever I want" --
Trudi the

Not meaning to make waves (after all, I am new here and perhaps am not
aware of all the established protocol), I would like to add that I'd enjoy
getting to know all of you better from a personal standpoint.  Who are all
of us and what do we all do in our lives that have made us subscribe to
this list?  Some other lists suggest introductions from new members with
autobio info.  Perhaps we should all introduce ourselves, unless you all
know each other already and I'm the "odd guy out".

>> ari
>> Ari Davidow
>> ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
>> list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>> the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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