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Re: israeli military songs

At 09:20 PM 7/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 7/19/99 2:08:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ari (at) 
>> It depends what you mean. There really aren't Israeli (which is
>>  not synonymous with "Jewish," of course--there is even less need
>>  for Jewish military songs :-)) military songs, per se--not in the
>>  sense of "The Halls of Montezuma" or whatever the Marine Corps march
>>  is. On the other hand, there was a popular set of songs from the Six
>>  Day War ("Songs of the Six Day War," or some such) with the most
>>  "military"-sounding Israeli songs I can recall, as much as many of
>>  them dealt with peace.
>There was also one of "Songs of the Yom Kippur War"; same kind of thing: 
>mostly pop and folk songs, many about peace and about patriotism, not much 
>militarism as I recall. They were released in Israel on LP after each war; I 
>don't know if they were ever reissued or put on CD, or if they are available 

The Yom Kippur War was a very different experience (compared to 
"Songs of the Six Day War." It was a scary time. Not surprisingly,
the album is a bust when considering the usual sorts of military
songs. I'd guess that "songs of the Lebanese incursions" will not
even be released ;-).


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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