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Re: israeli military songs

>There really aren't Israeli (which is not synonymous with "Jewish," of
course--there is >even less need  for Jewish military songs :-)) military
songs, per se--not in 
>the sense of "The Halls of Montezuma" or whatever the Marine Corps 
>is. On the other hand, there was a popular set of songs from the Six Day
War ("Songs of >the Six Day War," or some such) with the most
"military"-sounding Israeli songs I can 

I made aliyah in 1970, when the Six Day War was still very fresh in
memory, and I remember that the song that was considered almost the
"anthem" of that war was "Jerusalem of Gold" - about as far from
"military" as you can get.  This was the spontaneous reaction of regular
people - not something sponsored by the official powers.

Rachel Heckert

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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