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Re: klezmer dancing

<< A delightful 3-year-old girl, whose parents are from Russia, showed 
interest in some musical instruments, and we started singing Tumbalalaika. 
Seeing her response, we urged my father to go to the piano and play some 
Yiddish and Russian songs. One thing led to another, and we started dancing 
in a circle and soon everyone was drawn in. That little girl went right into 
the middle of the circle to "shine" and used such a traditional vocabulary of 
Yiddish dance gestures! I was awed.>>

Peggy, I know what you mean!  The high point of many performances has been 
when Russians of any and all ages spontaneously break out in that traditional 
form of dance that recalls an entire lost civilization.  How sweet and 
poignant it is, especially when this ancient soul is expressed through a 
young person.  

I have a baby of eight months whose part-time nanny is a Russian--our 
violinist's mother.  I am hoping that lots of this endearing Yiddishkeit will 
rub off on our little Yankee.

Hope all is well with you and yours!

Lori Lippitz (Maxwell Street)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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