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Re: klezmer dancing

Joshua Horowitz <horowitz (at) styria(dot)com> said:
> The Serbs you mention were probably dancing an Oro din Krajina. But what
> were they doing in a Croatian bar in the first place? Josh
I was going to say the same thing. I know a young Romanian Gypsy in 
Chicago who is playing at a Bosnian club with young Bosnian 
musicians----he got the job through some Serb Gypsy musicians, who 
couldn't play there. As for the tip, I hear that the Serbs are the 
best tippers, at least better than Romanians, Hungarians, Greeks.  
Hundred-dollar bills are common at weddings.

On the subject of Eastern European tangoes, similar Jewish 
involvement in Romanian popular music of the '20s, '30s, and later 
seems strong----for example, I have a 78 on the Lifa (or maybe it's 
Cristal) label of Bucharest of a tango sung by Dorel Livianu, and a 
'70s Electrecord LP of tangos sung by Gica Petrescu, both Jewish 
singers (the latter the "Frank Sinatra of Romania").

Paul Gifford

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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