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Re: klezmer dancing

Hi Ernie,
They do that same scary chair lifting here and I think all over the place.  
I don't know where that comes from.  I guess they can't think of anything 
better to do since they don't know how to dance.
I taught the frailach last night in the park.  It was fun. That dance is 
like a living organisam. Unfortunately hardly any of the Jewish community 
came; it was all my regular folk dance friends and the public at large.

>From: Ernie Gruner / Cathy Dowden <erniegru (at) mira(dot)net>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: klezmer dancing
>Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 15:04:15 +1000
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>From owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org Thu Jul  8 22:09:54 1999
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>Helen / List
>I like your tarantella story. (I'm still looking for a Jewish tarantella,
>Yesterday my band was booked for a chuppah and reception.The discussions
>were going along as usual with the bride-to-be until her husband (surprise)
>came on the phone. He was keen to learn the dances to the klezmer music
>that they'd heard us play at a concert, and wanted phone numbers for dance
>teachers. Alas I said, noone here in Melbourne (or Australia) can teach
>klezmer dance yet, and I don't know of any videos. (thanks to Helen and
>Jacob for recent notes!)
>I'll pass on some Israeli dance teachers but hope that in another 5 or 10
>years that the klezmer dances will find their way growing back into Jewish
>I went to Michael Alpert's inspiring classes in Krakow 98, and played for
>dances at KlezKamp West, so am very keen to see this dance revive like the
>music, and have tried to raise enthusiasm here.
>cheer Ernie
>ps we have a form of simcha dancing here which involves risky, boisterous
>and sometimes dangerous jumps etc with chairs and upraised brides, grooms
>and bar/tmitvah people - is this universal? where/when did it start? I
>haven't seen any references in klez dance notes so assume more recent?
>At 21:27 8/07/99 PDT, you wrote:
> >Since I first posted to this discussion group re:  resources about Jewish
> >klezmer style dancing, I have learned about a world of Jewish dance that 
> >didn't know anything about (despite being involved with Israeli and
> >international folk dance for over 20 years).  I have been to many Jewish
> >weddings/bar, bat mitzvah parties, where the hora comes on and everyone
> >tries to dance but ends up tripping over each other, not knowing exactly
> >what they're supposed to do.  Israeli dancing is not easy to pick up on 
> >fly;you need to go to classes and practise every week and even then the
> >dances change every week!  The traditional community dances like the
> >freilach, got lost and it's wonderful to see that they are being found
> >again.
> >But we don't need to feel like we're alone in losing our dance 
> >A couple of years ago I was invited to an Italian wedding.  I practised 
> >Tarantella faithfully, looking forward to doing it with Italian people 
> >the first time.  Well, the music came on, and I got up to dance with my
> >husband.  We were the only ones who knew the tarantella!  I heard one of 
> >young men in the crowd say:
> >"so, that's what you're supposed to do to that music."
> >
> >Helen
> >
> >
> >______________________________________________________
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> >
> >
> >
>Ernie Gruner   K A L E I D O S C O P E  M U S I C
>Music Booking Agency     &    Management for Jugularity, Klezmeritis & 
>Ph:613 9386 7108  Fax:9386 0228 (NEW)   2 Cole Crescent, East Coburg 3058,
>                JUGULARITY
>JUNE 25 8.30pm KLEZMERITIS duo, Melb.Folk.Club, The East, 280 Lygon St,
>.....klezduo+guests!................also that night KAVALCADE playing
>exciting Balkan music!
>JUNE 27 2.15pm KLEZMERITIS duo, Box Hill Library,  1040 Whitehorse Rd, 

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