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In a message dated 7/15/99 8:57:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, reyzl (at) 

<< I know superficially about the Tsfat festival (have heard many wonderful 
 things about it), but nothing about the Klez Festival in Tiberias.  Please 
 tell us as much as you can about both.
 Does anyone here have the program for either of them or know how I can get 
 an ascii version of them?

I'll send you the itinerary directly to your email...i thinkwe should take 
this discussion off the general mailing.

However...since you asked..I do want to give this bit of info to everyone...
The tour is not a Klezmer tour. ...I always work musical elements into the 
tour, and this year we were lucky enough to have the Klezmer Festival going 
on while we were scheduled to be there.
In the past we have been there for the Arad Festival of Jewish Music, Carmiel 
Dance Festival, etc.... plus we always try to find concerts and other 
cultural events, besides the normal Israeli touring.  

There is no Klez. Festival in Tiberias, that is where we stay as it is not 
too far from Tzfat.

The tour is a general tour of Israel suitable for first timers and 
returnees....I try to do different things as well.....this year, for 
instance, we are jeep riding in the ramon crater, catching the Masada light 
and sound show at night, rafting on the Jordan river, doing an archelogical 
dig, Bedouin tent,  Kotel Tunnel tour, plus the usual touring.

Might be organizing one next summer....have to see what the millenium shapes 
up to be over there....but definitely going summer of 2001.


PS: Anybody who would like an itinerary justemail are welcome to 
use this for some ideas for trips you may make in the I am 
always happy to share information with anyone going to Israel......

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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