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Ari Davidow wrote:

> Remember that klezmer as understood in Israel is far more traditional,
> and in some ways, less interesting, than the very wide range covered
> by "klezmer" in this country.

    I think that you are right that "klezmer in Israel is far more
traditional", this means simply that the klezmer music (not the Israeli music)
is deeply rooted in the Jewish daily life, and not only in concerts.
    That is why it is more interesting, and it covers a wider range then the
"American" klezmer, which is understood mainly as East European Jewish music.
The East European Jewish music is only part of the "Israeli" klezmer. I realize
that, in time, understanding of klezmer in the US, becomes closer and closer to
the Israeli one.. I can hear it in the recent works of Andy Statman, and in
"Nigunim", and I think there are more that maybe I don't know.

> There, they see themselves as "preserving"
> (at least, according to the Tzfat festival promo people). Here, the
> revival is over and klezmer has grandkids, even.

    So, why not to be opened to the Israeli klezmer grandkids, too?

> Of course, some musicians--Piamenta, Berlin, will presumably be there,
> and are always worth seeing.
> ari
> Ari Davidow
> ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
> list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> the klezmer shack:

Kol Tuv

Moshe Berlin

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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