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On Fri, 16 Jul 1999 KLEZMER313 (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> However...since you asked..I do want to give this bit of info to everyone...
> The tour is not a Klezmer tour. ...I always work musical elements into the 
> tour, and this year we were lucky enough to have the Klezmer Festival going 
> on while we were scheduled to be there.
> In the past we have been there for the Arad Festival of Jewish Music, Carmiel 
> Dance Festival, etc.... plus we always try to find concerts and other 
> cultural events, besides the normal Israeli touring.  
> The tour is a general tour of Israel suitable for first timers and 
> returnees....I try to do different things as well.....this year, for 
> instance, we are jeep riding in the ramon crater, catching the Masada light 
> and sound show at night, rafting on the Jordan river, doing an archelogical 
> dig, Bedouin tent,  Kotel Tunnel tour, plus the usual touring.
If you are going to be touring around Israel and are looking for sites of
musical interest, how about paying a visit to The Felicja Blumental Music
Center & Library. We're on 26 Bialik St. in Tel-Aviv (right next to the
Bialik House and down the street from the Rubin Rubens House). We're open
Sun and Tues from 9 - 2 and Mon, Wed and Thurs from 12 - 7. I am at the
library Mon, Tues, Wed. Our phone no is 03-5250499 if you'd like to call
in advance. I'd be more than happy to give the group a tour of the

Ryna Kedar
Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division
The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library
Tel-Aviv, Israel

> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org

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