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Re: Shabbat Morning Liturgy

In a message dated 7/24/99 7:37:53 PM, HNetsky (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< Yes, well the reason I like the Davis tapes is that he chants the nusakh 
nusakh - the feeling is there, and he doesn't conform his vocal style to "bel 
canto" standards.  My favorite of these is his Shalosh Regalim tape.  Simon 
would know where to get these.  -Hankus

Yes, we carry the Davis tapes, and Hankus is correct on the interpretation.  
Davis' tapes are used for learning rather than to impress, and he has many 
different services available.

Every year we sell large quantities of the Davis "High Holidays" series to 
various military bases and prisons (that's right!) where there may not be a 
Jewish Chaplain.
Though it is technically a 'military secret' some of the Davis tapes we sold 
wound up in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait during Desert Storm. I'm still waiting 
for an order from Sadam Hussein!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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