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Re: Shabbat Morning Liturgy

Can you send all the particulars about those recordings?
At 11:02 PM 7/13/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Just to keep the list posted on our Havurah's upcoming meeting on
>melodies for Shabbat morning that are primarily suitable for
>congregational singing without instrumental accompaniment:
>We will begin by reviewing "homework" I've given to people who will be
>there.  They will listen to all or part of one of the following
>recordings (totaling about 5 hours) and will share any favorites with
>the group:
>The Music of Shabbat at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun ("BJ" of NYC)
>Isaac Behar: Sephardic Sabbath Chants
>Velvel Pasternack: Siddur in Song
>Saul P. Wachs: Nusah Ha'Tefillah: Tapes for Teaching
>(In addition to 3 music books I've lent out)
>In addition, they will share recordings or tunes of other favorites
>that we haven't used.
>If time permits, I will share some tunes with the group from various

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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