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Re: What is Jewish Music?

On 07/08/99 12:20:42 one of the Roberts wrote:
>That my writer colleague George Robinson approaches liturgical folk music 
>with the notion that it is (all? or mostly?) "dorky folk-pop Judaica" I 
>think is unfortunate--I don't think it's helpful to dismiss an entire genre 
>of music that way, rather than being open to whatever you hear... contemporary 
>liturgical folk 
music [is]in my view, our most distinctive 
>indigenous American-Jewish music in this generation....

Oy, now, maybe we're back to the Debbie Friedman thread...I'm sorry, this is 
such a startling idea 
to me, that I am forced to ask: Just who, Robert, do you consider to be the 
people composing and 
performing this "most distinctive indigenous American-Jewish music in this 
generation?"  Do you 
listen to any modern "klezmer" at all?

Shira Lerner

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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