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Re: Julio Inglesias Jewish?

In a message dated 7/2/99 11:43:43 AM, Enitt (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< Important to know that his last name is:  IGLESIAS.   >>

Though Julio Iglesias may not be Jewish, it was very common that Spanish Jews 
changed their names to 'overtly' Christian names so as not to be suspect when 
in fact they were secretly practicing Jewdaism.  "Iglesia" means church in 

For many years we have carried various international recordings even though 
they are not "Jewish" and the early Iglesias recordings in Portuguese, 
Italian and French were very big sellers.

Naturally, at least once a week someone would ask "How come you carry 
Iglesias, he's not Jewish, don't you know that his name means "Church" in 

After having heard this 20 times, my standard reply would be:
"Actually, that's not his real name, he only changed it for 'show business' 
Naturally, they would then ask,"What was his real name?"
I would answer, "Synagoga'!

Casa de Musica Ladino

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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