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Re: Julio Inglesias Jewish?

Dear Owen
In a message dated 7/2/99 11:27:55 PM, owend (at) tp(dot)net writes:

>....But Steve, ? How do you get your question marks to hang upside down like
>I'm tired of standing on my head.
>Owen Davidson
>Amherst  Mass
>The Wholesale Klezmer Band

Get a Macintosh (although I'm sure PCs can do it too?I just don't know how). 
And/or if you have one, hold down the option and the shift keys and hit the 
normal question mark and, voila, ¿, the upside-down one you requested.  If 
you get a square and no letter, it means your chosen font may not have that 
character. Use one of the better proportional fonts, like Times or Garamond. 
They usually have a full character set. I was surprised that Geneva (my 
default e-mail font) had it as well.

Hope not too much blood has flowed to your head before your receive this 

Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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