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Re: Just a thought

Terry Traub wrote:

> I like Wolf's recording, myself, but I'm not sure I understand this
> "hero" business.  Perhaps you can expand on this point but maybe 
> leave out the idiotic personal attacks next time. 

I don't know how long you've been on this list, but two years ago or so
there was an intense discussion about Wolf's first album,
"Transmigrations", due to Ari Davidow's problematic review of it. Most
curiously Ari appointed Wolf "The Marlboro Man" (this he somewhat ashamedly
reedited into -- and now, take a deep breath all of you -- "the strong,
silent type portrayed on the album cover" -- what kind of musical criticism
is that?). Furthermore, in this review Ari wrote:

"I note the complete absence of 'fighting back' songs--including songs
acknowledging Jewish resistance (armed or otherwise) during the Holocaust.
There are no songs here about strong people, or of people's struggles.
(...) Instead, (...) I hear primarily victims' songs, victims hopes and
loves, and victims' pieties."

When it more than once was pointed out to Ari that this is a fatal
misjudgement he just remained silent. And here Prof. Robinson's recent
statement in Yugntruf is relevant: "It can be said that, in certain songs,
Krakowski creates various heros". The difference between the opinions 
of messrs. Davidow and Robinson is not a matter of taste or empathy -- 
it mirrors a gorge as to the view of the critic's task. All due respect
should be paid to Ari Davidow as the moderator of this list, but 
considering his superficial writings on items he has absolutely no mastery
of, it is -- at least for me -- impossible to take him seriously as a

I exemplified this a year ago or so in a discussion here about "Ari Davidow
as an authority", when Ari's writings on Wolf was not the prime concern of 
my first posting at all, although Ari tried to make it so. If you are
interested these two debates should be found at the Index of
/listarchives/jewish-music, URL

if they're not censored (who knows?).

Ari Davidow wrote:
> I do stand by my remarks, but also do respectfully demur from engaging
> in discussion with someone who finds my failure to worship at the
> same altar so distasteful that only personal attack is appropriate. 

By yourself you probably know what others are like, but, believe me, Ari, 
this has nothing to do with any worshipping at some altar or another. You
are certainly doing a good job as the combined owner and caretaker of this
list, but my opinion of you as a critic is not very high. I merely dislike
shallow and pompous writing just as I appreciate and acknowledge a true
poetic spirit when I find one. That's all.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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