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Re: Just a thought


I agree with Peter.

Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 16:02:40 -0400
From: Peter Rushefsky <rushefsky_p (at) healthcareplan(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Just a thought -Reply
Sender: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
To: "World music from a Jewish slant." <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Reply-to: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
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Delivered-to: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org

>It seems that by your passion, Ingemar, you are taking Ari seriously as a
>critic-- perhaps even more than Ari takes himself (all he did was to set up a
>web page, no one has to look at it).  I was told once that in the music
>business, you have to develop thick skin and remember-- any publicity is
>than none.  

I don't know why you seem so fixated on that one review out of dozens and
dozens written.  Any look at a body of work will find "good-better-best and
bad-worse-worst" samples of writing.  Ari's reviews in general seem to
reflect his own emotional reactions to music and private opinions, and are
purposely written in a chatty, casual style. He doesn't appear or hasn't
seemed to hold himself up so much as a "critic" as offering to give of his
experiences freely (and apparently making himself open to such attacks as
yours). Didn't we go over this ground last summer?? 

I suggest if you find his writing misinformed or shallow that you simply
offer the rest of us your own review. (I wasn't on the list two years ago
and don't know if you did already.)  I would proffer two criteria: 1) that
it be your own writing and reactions you have to the music and 2) that it
be a direct review of the album, not a "response" or "reaction piece" to
Ari's --or anyone else's reviews.

What say you?

>I don't know how long you've been on this list, but two years ago or so
>there was an intense discussion about Wolf's first album,
>"Transmigrations", due to Ari Davidow's problematic review of it. Most
>curiously Ari appointed Wolf "The Marlboro Man" (this he somewhat ashamedly
>reedited into -- and now, take a deep breath all of you -- "the strong,
>silent type portrayed on the album cover" -- what kind of musical criticism
>is that?).

>When it more than once was pointed out to Ari that this is a fatal
>misjudgement he just remained silent. And here Prof. Robinson's recent
>statement in Yugntruf is relevant: "It can be said that, in certain songs,
>Krakowski creates various heros". The difference between the opinions 
>of messrs. Davidow and Robinson is not a matter of taste or empathy -- 
>it mirrors a gorge as to the view of the critic's task. All due respect
>should be paid to Ari Davidow as the moderator of this list, but 
>considering his superficial writings on items he has absolutely no mastery
>of, it is -- at least for me -- impossible to take him seriously as a
>By yourself you probably know what others are like, but, believe me, Ari, 
>this has nothing to do with any worshipping at some altar or another. You
>are certainly doing a good job as the combined owner and caretaker of this
>list, but my opinion of you as a critic is not very high. I merely dislike
>shallow and pompous writing just as I appreciate and acknowledge a true
>poetic spirit when I find one. That's all.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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