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Re: Just a thought

hebanon (at) swipnet(dot)se (Ingemar Johansson) wrote on Thu, 1 Apr 1999 
at 17:11:24 +0200:

: Anyhow, I would like to congratulate Wolf on the stellar review of his CD
: "Transmigrations" in "Yugntruf", which -- as far as I understand -- is one
: of the world's few remaining regularly-printed Yiddish journals. In this
: review Prof. Elinor Robinson writes (my translation): "It can be said that,
: in certain songs, Krakowski creates various heros".
: Which brings to mind Ari Davidow's curious canard regarding this very
: same CD: "There are no strong people on this record" -- a painful remark
: (to many) which Ari, I think,  has never had the integrity to back up or
: explain.

I like Wolf's recording, myself, but I'm not sure I understand this
"hero" business.  Perhaps you can expand on this point but maybe leave out
the idiotic personal attacks next time.  Thanks,
Terry Traub

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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