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Re: Klezmer 5-string Banjo

>Along the lines of this Klezmer/Bluegrass fusion discussion I'm trying
>to create an inventory of klezmer recordings, other klezmer materials
>that feature 5-string banjo.  Here's a first shot from the top of my
>head, will work on formalizing structure.  You'll notice it's a fairly
>short list.  If anyone (Henry?, Wendy?, Andy?) knows of any other
>sources, would love to know them.

There was a spinoff from that Washington, DC havura group whose
names escapes me just as I need it, called "Country Klezmorim"
that did a nice mix of bluegrass and Jewish music, some klezmerish,
about 10, 15 years ago. The main group was on the "Celtic Klez"
fusion tape that Wendy Morrison, of Klezmos, was also a part of,
but I haven't seen anything since from this particular ensemble.

Great version of "L'Cha Dodi" sung to "She'll be coming around the
mountain." (Not bluegrass, but fun, nonetheless.)


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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