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Re: Klezmer 5-string Banjo

Actually the name of the group was "The Country Klezmers". The album, which
was entitled "Traditional Jewish Folk Music" (Midbar Records) was made in

-Andy Rubin

>>Along the lines of this Klezmer/Bluegrass fusion discussion I'm trying
>>to create an inventory of klezmer recordings, other klezmer materials
>>that feature 5-string banjo.  Here's a first shot from the top of my
>>head, will work on formalizing structure.  You'll notice it's a fairly
>>short list.  If anyone (Henry?, Wendy?, Andy?) knows of any other
>>sources, would love to know them.
>There was a spinoff from that Washington, DC havura group whose
>names escapes me just as I need it, called "Country Klezmorim"
>that did a nice mix of bluegrass and Jewish music, some klezmerish,
>about 10, 15 years ago. The main group was on the "Celtic Klez"
>fusion tape that Wendy Morrison, of Klezmos, was also a part of,
>but I haven't seen anything since from this particular ensemble.
>Great version of "L'Cha Dodi" sung to "She'll be coming around the
>mountain." (Not bluegrass, but fun, nonetheless.)
>Ari Davidow
>The klezmer shack:
>owner: jewish-music mailing list
>e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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