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Re: default option on this list

>Ari:  For what it's worth, as an admittedly new member on this list (or 
>relatively so, I assume)--and one very grateful, I might add, for your 
>assistance, including in changing my e-mail address recently--I'd like 
>to very _strongly_ urge you to consider--or, if you must, submit to the 
>list, tho I wish you'd just do it--changing the default option to the 

If anyone wishes to follow up on this, please send me private e-mail.

In general, as list-owner, I have to choose between making it easy
to keep discussions going and accepting the fact that some private
messages end up on the list, or acknowledging that many discussions
that would have happened will not happen, or will end early as things
default to private e-mail. After doing this for 15 years, I can
attest that the tendency is strongly one way or the other, especially
in an audience that is musically, not necessarily technically, inclined.

Obviously, the best solution would be for people to stop using e-mail
for discussions and to join Virtual Ashkenaz on the web. Given that the 
vast majority of participants choose, instead, this medium, the
goal is to do the best with this tool and this medium, so expect
things to stay the same, for the reasons I've described.

And, as I wrote above, if there is further discussion on this, send
me e-mail. If there is a strong disagreement with this default, and
I get a lot a lot of e-mail, I am as open to change on this as I have 
been (I hope) with other list defaults.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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