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Re: cool/dynamite khanuka song

In a message dated 12/07/1998 8:34:25 PM Central Standard Time,
IGanz (at) compuserve(dot)com writes:

<< "Ocho Candelicas" is also recorded by the Maxwell St. Klezme Band's
 "Wedding Party" CD and cassette on Global Village.
 All the best,
 Isabelle GAnz >>

Thanks for mentioning it, Isabelle!

For your interest, music recording buyers:  "Maxwell Street Wedding" (or its
former title, Wedding Party) is being sold against the wishes of the artists
by Global Village Music, which does not pay royalties to Maxwell Street for
sales of its recordings (likewise GVM stiffs many others on its label).
Sadly, exploiters like this continue to stay in business.

Lori Lippitz

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