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Re: LPs

In a message dated 12/21/98 12:24:22 PM, you wrote:


I have learned so much through e-mails from you, it's truly amazing.  People
have said for years that my knowledge of music and artists,is almost uncanny.
But I think I've finally "met my match."  Have a good new year. LL

I'm sure your knowledge of Jewish music is greater than mine. I might have
certain strengths in that I have been fortunate enough to have met so many of
these artists due to the fact that I started working at what is now Hatikvah
when I was a teen-ager; and many of the artist were regulars at the store.
Once you develop a personal relationship with an artist-whether it be in
music, art, film,etc., you want to learn more about them. I have been
fortunate to have met or befriended such artists as Herschel Bernardi
("Cholcolate Covered Matzos"), Jan Peerce, Mickey Katz, Theo Bikel, Leo Fuchs-
great artist of Yiddish Theatre and film, Carl Reiner, Claire Barry (Barry
Sisters), Linda Ronstadt (?),and so many more.

I can honestly tell you that in the last year, I have learned a great deal
from the members of this list and have added titles that I would never have
known about if it weren't for the suggestions from the members. You must
however be aware that it is impossible to carry everything just because it is

If you are interested in the "Story",the following link is to an article on
Hatikvah from The Jewish Journal in 1997.
<A HREF="aol://4344:1156.fairfaxx.3367494.562790033">Hatikvah Music</A>

Thank You all for your comments and support as well as your suggestions.
Hatikvah Music 

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