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Re: barry sisters


The B-Sisters are famous in Italy too, now! Their "chiribim chiribom"
closes my weekly radio shows at the local (Milano, Italy) station (Radio
Popolare FM 101.5 or 107.6).

But I also played them for my national (RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana)
weekly show once: they have a great yiddish version of "Mamma, solo per te
la mia canzone vola" (called simply "Mama"), a standard about the Italian
Mamma from the 1950's, which I used on a monographic show on Jewish

Also, the same song (plus chiribim chiribom) are now being used in the new
play by Italian Jewish (but Bulgarian Sephardi in origin) actor and theatre
author/director Moni Ovadia, which is now playing in Milano at the
"historical" Piccolo Teatro.

Well, so that you know that there are Italian drivers listening to the
great duo as well.

Francesco Spagnolo

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                            YUVAL  ITALIA
                Centro di Studi sulla Musica Ebraica
          The Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

via della Guastalla,19    20122 Milano Italy   tel/fax +39 2 55014977
mailto:yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it     
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