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Yiddish Concert in Hartford, CT

Please distribute the following announcement of a November 22 concert via the
jewish-music mailing list.  Thank you.

Charter Oak Cultural Center Jewish Heritage Series   * * *   Affiliated
                    Ilana Kochinska, soprano
                     Ross Barentyne, piano 
                      World of Our Mothers
           A Woman's Life in Yiddish Song and Poetry
**With highlights from Kochinska's recording, World of Our Mothers**
Including folk-like masterpieces by Gebirtig, showstoppers from Yiddish
theater greats Secunda and Rumshinsky, art songs by Lazar Weiner and Helen
Greenberg, and arias from Goldfaden's historical operettas. 

Complete translations provided.
Friday, November 22 at 12:00 noon 
General admission, $7   
Seniors, students & Charter Oak members, $5
Plus $3 for Kosher brunch (please reserve by Nov. 17)
                  Charter Oak Cultural Center
              21 Charter Oak Ave., Hartford, Conn.
          For information and directions, please call
Charter Oak at (860) 249-1207 or Finzi Records at (212) 579-0932

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