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RE: Record Libraries

Thanks, Ari.

The cassettes would just be for the donating family to they would have a
chance to listen to them...agree that we need a digital version of the
actual recordings to work on them.



At 05:31 PM 10/23/98 -0400, you wrote:
>If you are doing archival versions (and don't forget the copyright
>issues Judy mentioned), I would go straight to DAT or to CD ROM
>(if you have a computer and appropriate sound hard/software).
>You really don't want to use something as noisy as a cassette tape
>for this purpose if you can avoid it.
>>>I am gearing up to do just this for the (admittedly much smaller) realm of
>>>Sephardic 78s. I intend to send cassettes back to the family, and store the
>>>78s archivally. Longer term, I hope to see all the music re-released using
>>>the Web as the delivery medium.
>>>I would be glad to accept any Sephardic 78s and collections (LPs too) if
>>>any of you learn of them. I would happily pay for packing and shipping (for
>>>example, at a Mail Boxes etc.) These items are too precious to consign to
>>>the dustbin.
>>>Shabbat shalom,
>>>At 03:17 PM 10/23/98 -0400, Leonard Koenick wrote:
>>>>Dear Reyzl:
>>>>    Reading the recent postings on Jewish Music libraries from your list on
>>>Ari's Jewish Music list has 
>>>>caused me to reactivate an idea and concern I have had but have never
>>>fleshed out much.
>>>>    I have known people who have collections of Jewish music 78's who have
>>>thrown them out or whose 
>>>>children have done the same in clearing out estates and others who just
>>>have them sitting in boxes and 
>>>>whose will probably be thrown out  I am sure others can recite similar
>>>experiences much like those that 
>>>>started the Jewish Book Center at Brandeis.
>>>>    The major collections are too remote from too many.  My idea is that
>>>local institutions, such as 
>>>>JCC's create a publicized system to encourage people to donate their
>>>records and in return the donors 
>>>>could receive a cassette or, now, a CD, with their music on them that
>>>could be played.  Most people no 
>>>>longer have turntables that can handle 78's. if they have a working
>>>turntable at all.
>>>>    The investment wouldn't be all that great in equipment and could 
>>>> probably
>>>be done with top quality 
>>>>78 transcription equipment for under $15,000.
>>>>    I would be interested in any others' views on this idea.  I have placed
>>>about 9 hours so far of my 
>>>>father's 78's on tape using makeshift equipment and hope to soon do a
>>>better job.
>>>Joel Bresler
>>>250 E. Emerson Rd.
>>>Lexington, MA 02420 USA
>>>Home:        781-862-2432
>>>Home Office:         781-862-4104
>>>FAX:                 781-862-0498
>>>Cell:                781-622-0309
>>>Email:               jbresler (at) ultra(dot)net

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:   781-862-2432
Home Office:    781-862-4104
FAX:            781-862-0498
Cell:           781-622-0309
Email:          jbresler (at) ultra(dot)net

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