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RE: Record Libraries

I would suggest they send them to YIVO for sure or possibly to the National 
Yiddish Book Center.   I am cc'ing this letter to people at both places and 
hope that they will respond directly to tell us if this is the right idea.   
YIVO has a major collection.  As staff, we once got all the 4th and 5th copies 
of records during one of their cleanups, but I still recommend asking there 

Great question you have.


PS, we have about 100 Yiddish 78's.  Have gotten to copy only a few.  

From:  Leonard Koenick[SMTP:lkoenick (at) pop(dot)erols(dot)com]
Sent:  Friday, October 23, 1998 3:18 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:  RE: Record Libraries

Dear Reyzl:

        Reading the recent postings on Jewish Music libraries from your list on 
Ari's Jewish Music list has 
caused me to reactivate an idea and concern I have had but have never fleshed 
out much.

        I have known people who have collections of Jewish music 78's who have 
thrown them out or whose 
children have done the same in clearing out estates and others who just have 
them sitting in boxes and 
whose will probably be thrown out  I am sure others can recite similar 
experiences much like those that 
started the Jewish Book Center at Brandeis.

        The major collections are too remote from too many.  My idea is that 
local institutions, such as 
JCC's create a publicized system to encourage people to donate their records 
and in return the donors 
could receive a cassette or, now, a CD, with their music on them that could be 
played.  Most people no 
longer have turntables that can handle 78's. if they have a working turntable 
at all.

        The investment wouldn't be all that great in equipment and could 
probably be done with top quality 
78 transcription equipment for under $15,000.

        I would be interested in any others' views on this idea.  I have placed 
about 9 hours so far of my 
father's 78's on tape using makeshift equipment and hope to soon do a better 


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