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Re[2]: Israeli National Anthem Alternative

Here is a glimpse of the heated debate over the  national anthem (circa 

A Frum Eastern European Jew is overheard to say:
"hatikvo hot nisht keing mayles! (tr. Hatikva has no advantages!(heb. 

And a Secular Sabra respnded:  Yes but Rosenblatt's Shir Hamaalot is 
(Avl Ein Tikvah le Shir Hamaalot!)

>From the official Purim archives,
Rich W.

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Subject: Re: Israeli National Anthem Alternative  
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org> at Tcpgate
Date:    3/25/98 10:31 AM

I believe the other nominee for the Israeli National Anthem was the Yossele 
Rosenblatt version of the "Shir Hamaalot" psalm. This was rejected by the 
secularists because it makes reference to God and has religious overtones. 
Frank Boches.

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