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Re: query

>My cousin (up in Lon-guyland) is responsible for advertising an upcoming
>klezmer event. She's totally web-innocent, but wonders whether there were
>any sites that might want to display the basic info (band name, time,
>date, where to call for further info) type stuff. 
> Anyone know of sites where they might do this? (I don't think yours does
>Ari, does it? -no,no, just names and stuff, right?)

The only general calendar right now (that I know of, which
I hope is not exhaustive) is "musi-cal." I have a gateway
from my website (look for the sidebar on "add a listing to
the calendar"). Your cousin should also look up personalized
web resource sites like the NY or Lon-guyland versions of or

If the event is sent in to local media in enough time (usually
at least two weeks prior to the event, often more), they'll
list it in both print and online versions.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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