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Re: Associations

>Please, ladies and gentlemen of the musical jury, keep your hands off our
>traditions, even if you think you know where they came from. Because once
>you remove the boundaries, we'll no longer know what's ours anymore - and
>what isn't.
>Wanna sing "Adon Olam" to melodies from Carmen? Then sing it in the shower,
>Except for the last line - the one that mentions His name. According to
>that's not allowed to be said (let alone sung) while naked.

I can understand this viewpoint, but to many of us it neither
accords with reality as we experience it, nor does it hold
when applied to something like the melody to Adon Olam.

To me, your perspective sounds like "Judaism is a museum in
which we live with sacred relics." If that was my experience
of Judaism or Jewish music, I don't think I would be connected
to either. There is a difference between a living tradition, 
and fossilization.


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