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RE: Re: Associations

Doessomebody own Adon Olam?  Do you believe it has always been sung to one
particular melody?

> From: taxrelief (at) worldnet(dot)att(dot)net (winston weilheimer)
> Sender:       owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> Reply-to:     jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> To:   jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org (World music from a Jewish slant.)
> Who gave us the right to "adapt" Adon Olam (or any part of the liturgy) to
> any melody "we" see fit?
> who gave any of the great composers of Jewish music the "right" to do so.
> As I write this, I am listening to Tal recording of Yossele Rosenblatt, one
> of my favorite pieces.  On the same CD is the Kaminsky version of the
> Kaddish.  Who gave Lewindowski the hechsher to compose all of the beautiful
> music we have?
> I have been reading these "itsy bitsy spider" posts for the last three weeks
> or so, and wondering...
> If it is so disgusting, how did it become THE standard in every shul I have
> ever been in.   The popularity and meaningfulness of any melody rests with
> the congregation and if a congregation wishes to change, we are all free to
> do so.
> I came across a CD of a concert of Russian Chazonim with a wonderful tune
> for Kadishenu B'mitzvosecha.  I had never heard it before, but it was so
> infectious that I introduced it to our congregation.  It has a refrain of
> Bam Bitty Bam, which all of the congregation, and especially the children
> love.   Our services are not concerts, and if a particular melody is
> uplifting and meaningful, then I see nothing wrong with introducing it or
> using one that is use.  I have not read any posts which offer alternatives
> to the Alenu melody, just a disapproval of the "itsy bitsy spider" melody.
> BTW, if you sing itsy bitsy spider,,,it is not the exact melody used in
> Alenu, but there is a resemblance.
> Concerning Adon Olam, as a younger person, I was the adult leader of a Jr
> Congregation in Maryland.  We would learn Adon Olam to different melodies
> and occasionally we would be invited to the "adult" service at the end of
> the service and the congregation always looked forward what I had cooked up,
> amongst them "she'll be comin around the mountain and special for Pesach
> (which I still do in my current congregation) Adir Hu.  For Channukah we
> sing to Mo-oz Tsur (its a stretch but can be fit).  It adds meaning and I
> see nothing wrong with it.
> When we left Md for Orlando, Florida, the service which was dedicated to
> saying goodbye to our family ended with a surprise Adon Olam, suggested and
> encouraged by the Rabbi, and kept strictly secret from me.  It brought tears
> to my eyes when as a tribute to my tenure there, the kids and congregation
> sang Adon Olam to "Its A Small World."
> While traditional nusach is wonderful, we do not need to always sing without
> improvision.
> Winston Weilheimer
> Spiritual Leader (lay Rabbi)
> Temple Israel of DeLand (fl)

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