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Re: Cartoon music klezmer?

>From Sandra Layman

>Lev became interested in old cartoon soundtracks
>of the '30s, etc., and their connection with klezmer 
>music and musicians of the time.

>From Dan Peck:

>I saw the Klezmorim do a stage bit about the klezmer musicians who wrote
>cartoon music. They would play a tune while moving like cartoon characters.
>I have as yet to find anyone who could actually NAME one of those supposed
>klezmer artists. It sounded to me like lore manufactured to fit the shtik.
>Anyone know different?

There was a brilliant lecture by Martin Schwartz
back in '78 or '79 on the evolution from klezmer =to= cartoon
soundtracks (concluding with a duet featuring Martin and his
mother, z"l). It's actually where I met Lev for the first time.
I don't recall any of the specific sources, but obviously Marty
Schwartz would know, or perhaps Lev.

As to the rest, I only objected to the derogatory and dismissive
"crass." As Sandra noted, calling the Klezmorim "cartoon music
klezmer," at least if referring to their later work, would 
probably be heard as perceptive ;-).


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