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Re: Cartoon music klezmer?

>If I remember correctly, some of the same
>musicians were involved in both. So there may have
>been some overlap, just as there sometimes was
>between Jewish instrumental music ("klezmer")
>and jazz (e.g., Benny Goodman & Ziggy Elman's
>"And the Angels Sing"), klezmer and Yiddish theater,
>klezmer and socialist songs, klezmer and novelty
>numbers, klezmer and Greek music, klezmer and
>Romanian music, klezmer and you-name-it....
>Sometimes you had the same guys playing several
>of those genres.
>Now, whether you or I like a particular style or mix or
>rendition thereof is, natch, a different story!

I saw the Klezmorim do a stage bit about the klezmer musicians who wrote
cartoon music. They would play a tune while moving like cartoon characters.

I have as yet to find anyone who could actually NAME one of those supposed
klezmer artists. It sounded to me like lore manufactured to fit the shtik.

Anyone know different?

Dan Peck                                       Milesquare Associates
danpeck (at) panix(dot)com                              Living Traditions
Professional Member - Macintosh Consultants Network
Member - Claris Solutions Alliance
Old Time Banjo

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