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Re: Cartoon music klezmer?

Having been acquainted with Lev Liberman, 
cofounder of the Klezmorim, since 1978, I think
it's accurate to say this much: The phrase
"cartoon-music klezmer" as applied to the
Klezmorim actually has some validity to it.

Lev became interested in old cartoon soundtracks
of the '30s, etc., and their connection with klezmer 
music and musicians of the time.

If I remember correctly, some of the same
musicians were involved in both. So there may have
been some overlap, just as there sometimes was
between Jewish instrumental music ("klezmer") 
and jazz (e.g., Benny Goodman & Ziggy Elman's 
"And the Angels Sing"), klezmer and Yiddish theater, 
klezmer and socialist songs, klezmer and novelty 
numbers, klezmer and Greek music, klezmer and
Romanian music, klezmer and you-name-it.... 
Sometimes you had the same guys playing several
of those genres.

Now, whether you or I like a particular style or mix or
rendition thereof is, natch, a different story!

Sandra Layman
hiding out in the wilds of Seattle

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