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Re: Jewish Elements in Contemp. Pop Music

On Thu, 3 Apr 1997 GAronoff (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> themed music and songs that come from established artists.  My favorite of
> this sort is Peter Himmelman who infuses subtle Jewish content into his
> folk-rock based music.  Also the band Inasense manages to play middleastern
> sounding music that easily appeals to Greatful Dead fans.  

I know this probaly shouldn't be said, but I've heard the Inasense CD, I'm
a Dead fan, and a Phish fan, and I don't think that they would necessarily
appeal to other Dead and Phish fans anymore than they do to me. I think it
may be the production, rahter than the music. 


> Other bands who have tried this are the rap group Blood of Abraham, Phish,
> and the Swedish disco group Army of Lovers.  Phish is known to play versions
> of Yerushalim Shel Zahav at their rock shows.  Blood of Abraham, unlike
> fellow Jewish rappers like the Beastie Boys, rap on Jewish themes like
> black-Jewish relations, but reportedly have an authentic rap sound and not
> the goofy kitch-rap of groups like the Two Live Jews.   Army of Lovers has
> produced an album called "Israelism" which includes songs like the Tres Camp
> David Mix and the Goldcalfhorahorror Mix.  Since I have yet to hear either
> the Army of Lovers or Blood of Abraham recordings, I can't attest to their
> quality.  As disco and rap are not my favorite kinds of music I reserve
> judgment.  However, from what I've read, these artists have made serious
> attempts to produce popular music in their preferred form that is Jewish.
> When thinking about this type of music I make a distinction between this
> music that is primarily contemporary with Jewish elements, and quality
> contemporary Jewish music like that of Andy Statman and Wolf Krakowski.  The
> latter, are wonderful and deserving of the broadest success possible, but
> will not likely get Top 40 airplay in the immediate future.
> Any comments?  Has anyone heard of any other groups trying to make this type
> of "Jewish music"?   Does commercial viability in the general market mean
> anything?
> Gideon Aronoff

Alana Suskin,
Mitnaggedet Mama

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