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Re: Fallout

genug is genug- nu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
naomi- getting sick of this list quickly

On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Wolf Krakowski, Paula Parsky wrote:

> Dear Ari:
> My "screed" was certainly not about generating publicity for
> "Transmigrations". Word of mouth, newspaper reviews and disc jockeys are
> enough.  Not to mention "fans" like John Zorn  and Zalmen Mlotek...(Hi
> guys) 
>   Its about TRUTH and JUSTICE and not taking any crap.  Is it wrong for
> me to stand up for myself?  I don't think so. I'd like to believe that
> you and anyone in my position would do the same.  I don't enjoy
> confrontations but your private response to us was just so wanting; 
> ignoring both issues and feelings. And,  while some strong feelings are
> in  evidence in my open letter,  I am not angry at you.   Its  what you
> wrote that misrepresents my work that bothers me.
>  Simple as that. This is a tempest in a teapot;  I know nobody really
> cares, and I'm cool with that.  Please understand that I  acknowledge
> and  respect your work;  you provide a valuable service to the Jewish
> music community.   
> You are big on "fighting back", as you say.  Thats all I'm doing.  A
> liitle "raving" is good for the soul; prevents stomach cancer...
> Take it easy.
> Wolf Krakowski
> PS  I notice that you have "adjusted" your review since we wrote you
> privately  One more time should do it.
> All I'm asking for is NO LIES, NO INSULTS and NO PERSONAL  JIBES.
> PPS.  You would do well not labelling people with such offensive words
> as "Marlboro Man" (for me) and "whitebread" for Debbie Friedman.
> Lets take it to a higher level.  Such  words only serves to diminish the
> writer.
> You ever hear of =loshan hara=, by the way?



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