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Re: Fallout

Guys, can y'all fight this out in private. I'm sure there are legitimate
beefs on both sides, but even though this is a Jewish music group, I don't
think that's quite what the rest of us have in mind, interesting as this
        Wolf, I've seen your picture, and hon, you're better looking than
the Marlboro Man, so don't fuss about such trivialities. And the Marlboro
Man has short hair doesn't he?


On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Wolf Krakowski, Paula Parsky wrote:

> Dear Ari:
> My "screed" was certainly not about generating publicity for
> "Transmigrations". Word of mouth, newspaper reviews and disc jockeys are
> enough.  Not to mention "fans" like John Zorn  and Zalmen Mlotek...(Hi
> guys) 
>   Its about TRUTH and JUSTICE and not taking any crap.  Is it wrong for
> me to stand up for myself?  I don't think so. I'd like to believe that
> you and anyone in my position would do the same.  I don't enjoy
> confrontations but your private response to us was just so wanting; 
> ignoring both issues and feelings. And,  while some strong feelings are
> in  evidence in my open letter,  I am not angry at you.   Its  what you
> wrote that misrepresents my work that bothers me.
>  Simple as that. This is a tempest in a teapot;  I know nobody really
> cares, and I'm cool with that.  Please understand that I  acknowledge
> and  respect your work;  you provide a valuable service to the Jewish
> music community.   
> You are big on "fighting back", as you say.  Thats all I'm doing.  A
> liitle "raving" is good for the soul; prevents stomach cancer...
> Take it easy.
> Wolf Krakowski
> PS  I notice that you have "adjusted" your review since we wrote you
> privately  One more time should do it.
> All I'm asking for is NO LIES, NO INSULTS and NO PERSONAL  JIBES.
> PPS.  You would do well not labelling people with such offensive words
> as "Marlboro Man" (for me) and "whitebread" for Debbie Friedman.
> Lets take it to a higher level.  Such  words only serves to diminish the
> writer.
> You ever hear of =loshan hara=, by the way?

Alana Suskin,
Mitnaggedet Mama

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