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Re: Fallout

Dear  Dan Kazez:
My foot is just fine, thank you.  Again, with the name-calling.  I'm
glad if my "lunacy" validates your "sanity".
Since you say you don't know what prompted my letter, but support Ari
(that makes a lot of sense) I will tell you:
Ari LIED about what was on my album.  "There are no songs by partisans
of the Holocaust."  There are two.
Ari insults survivors and their families (not to mention the 6 million):
"victim's songs with victim's pieties" and "there are no strong people
on this record".   Ha!  I really don't like the sound of those two
thoughtless outbursts.  Sue me.
Ari makes a snide personal dig,  presumably based on his perception of
my appearance;  refers to me as a "Marlboro Man".
I ask you, sir, in all fairness, if you had made a record--would you not
look to see  false information corrected if it were posted on a (global)
website?  Just in the interests of truth and  the fact that such false
information is misleading and unfair. 
  And, furthermore,  although I am not aware of your "looks"--lets say
for argument's sake that you had a weight problem.  Would you like to be
referred to as Pillsbury Doughboy or Michelin Man, for example?  Does
something like that belong in a record review about Jewish music?   What
do you think Ari was trying to communicate?
And,  we did broach all this with Mr. Davidow in a private letter.  His
response  was evasive; he copped to none of the issues I raised and
instead proffered a  screed about the "review process".
Take it easy.
Wolf Krakowski

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