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"Jewish music" (was Re: Budowitz, Klezmania, and Purim)

What a can of worms this thread has opened!

While we're on the subject, I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in and say that
in their own ways, the work of people like Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Randy
Newman and Warren Zevon is reflective of a particular Jewish experience --
that of Jews writing popular songs in late-20th century America. Since
they are all personal songwriters and since part of their personas is
their experience as American Jews, their work either consciously or
unconsciously or overtly or covertly in some ways reflects their
Jewishness or the Jewishness of their times.

Now, does this make their work "Jewish"? Not necessarily. But not
necessarily not, either.

Seth Rogovoy                        
rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net
music news, interviews, reviews, et al.

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